
Archive for the ‘reading’ Category

Quality Reading: 5 Sources for Long Form Articles

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Once I was a scuba diver in the sea of words. Now I zip along the surface like a guy on a Jet Ski.

–Nicholas Carr

Whether or not Nicholas Carr is right about the Internet making us stupid, we all should try to work some long form, magazine-length articles into our lightweight Twitter-flavored diet. Some topics deserve more than 140 characters, or even 140 words, and our minds can use the exercise.

The following websites offer long form articles from a wide variety of sources:

Since longer articles take longer to read, you may want to save them to read later. Instapaper is great for this purpose. It offers a “Read Later” bookmarklet that lets you quickly save articles to Instapaper for reading later, and you can set Instapaper for automatic delivery to your Kindle, iPhone, or other devices.

Written by breckfield

March 6, 2011 at 9:56 am